The best network in Switzerland will be here

Siggenthal4net builds and operates the most powerful, state-of-the-art point-to-point FTTH (Fibre To The Home) fibre network, so that every home and business in Unter- and Obersiggenthal can benefit from internet at the speed of light, telephony and modern TV.

See the FAQ section for more information

Green Fibre

Fibre is not only the best Internet technology with regard to speed and reliability, it is also by far the best for the environment.
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Each residential or business unit is connected with four fibre optics directly from the central office to the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) in the premise. For all customers, this signifies a distinct additional benefit, in which namely everyone has a direct and dedicated connection in their home/business and would finally benefit from the subscribed data rate for which they pay, which unfortunately, is not the case today with DSL (copper) and cable TV (coax) offers. The modern point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net fully complies with the model and recommendations of OFCOM (Federal Office of Communication), which apply throughout Switzerland.

What is the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network from Siggenthal4net?

The point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network from Siggenthal4net will be a state-of-the-art data network covering the community of Unter- and Obersiggenthal. Fibre optic cables will be installed directly to each and every home and business premise, free of charge. Fibre optic cables carry data at the speed of light. As every home and business premise will have its dedicated fibre optic connection, they will all be able to benefit from ultra-high Internet speeds of >1Gibt/s, symmetrically for both downloads and uploads and with exceedingly high reliability. The point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net will be indispensable for everyone living and working in Unter- and Obersiggenthal in the future. In order to remain both efficient and ecological, only one point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network is planned in Unter- and Obersiggenthal. Siggenthal4net will be building and operating this network and will then provide fair access to all telecommunications providers in Switzerland in order that they, in turn, may provide their modern multimedia services and super-fast Internet to all homes and businesses in Unter- and Obersiggenthal.

Why do we need the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network?

The demand from the general public for high and reliable Internet bandwidth is constantly growing. Copper cables and coax cables are already reaching their technical limits and even with latest improvements remain inferior to full fibre networks. In contrast, fibre optics guarantee unlimited data capacity at the speed of light. With its point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network, Siggenthal4net can transmit data at huge speeds with great reliability and Unter- and Obersiggenthal will be perfectly positioned for the communication of the future.

What benefits does the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network offer?

Everyone can benefit from ultrafast data transfer rates > 1 Gbit/s and the latest multimedia services, at the same time. All telecommunications providers are guaranteed access to the open point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network. Customers have free choice and can change their telecommunications provider quickly and easily. Competition allows to provide customers with much better prices and a broader variety of services with a significantly higher quality.

How sustainable is the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network?

Optical fibres are extremely efficient. A single optical fibre per household suffices for the needs of the most demanding customers, even should the speeds and data quantities increase in the coming years four or fivefold.

What does open Network mean?

The point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net is available to telecommunications providers without discrimination, that is to say that all telecommunications providers can have access to, and use, the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net. Siggenthal4net deals exclusively with the construction and network operation of the fibre optic infrastructure. It does not provide any multimedia or communication services.

How does the multi-fibre model work, according to OFCOM?

OFCOM (Federal Office of Communication) published a guideline for the roll-out of FTTH network in Switzerland, to ensure the state-of-the-art quality of the networks. Siggenthal4net network will be roll-out following the guidelines set out by OFCOM, in particular 4 dedicated fibre per household ensuring capacity for all future use and open access to the infrastructure. All telecommunications services providers can choose to offer their services over these optic fibres which are owned, provisioned and operated by Siggenthal4net SA. Each residential or business unit is tapped into with four optical fibres, supplied and connected directly from the central office to the optical telecommunications outlet (OTO). For the customers, this present the significant benefit of each having a direct and dedicated connection in their home/business and does therefore not lose any of the subscribed data rate for which they pay, which unfortunately, is often the case today with DSL (copper) and cable TV (coax) offers. This modern FTTH fibre optic network from Siggenthal4net SA fully complies with the model and the recommendations of OFCOM (Federal Office of Communication), which apply for all of Switzerland.
BAKOM FTTH guidelines

Where can I get information about the offers?

All telecommunications providers will be listed at A link will guide you to the offer for each telecommunications provider. You can order your desired multimedia services directly with the respective telecommunications provider.

Am I required to pay a fee as an owner or renter even if I should not need the connection?

No – there is no fee associated with an inactive use of the fibre optic connection.

Where are uniform standards defined?

Uniform standards are defined for the installation in the building as well as for the interfaces between the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network and the telecommunications providers on the one hand and the end customers on the other. Deployment of the network is entirely done according to the recommendations of the OFCOM.

Does the state regulate competition?

Companies (cable and copper network providers) which have developed their own telecommunications infrastructure in Unter- and Obersiggenthal and which use it to provide their own multimedia services, do not support the non-discriminatory and open approach. The non-discriminatory model of Siggenthal4net together with our decision not to provide our own multimedia services, means that unlimited competition is automatically promoted and regulation is therefore not required.

Are multiple networks required to create adequate competition?

There are already multiple networks (copper, cable TV, mobile broadband) at the infrastructure level but unfortunately, these are all discriminatory, that is to say that they are not open to all potential telecommunications providers on a fair basis. For this reason, it makes absolute sense to have a single modern point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network, as Siggenthal4net will operate, with open access for all telecommunications providers. Such a model, leveraging the modern point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network for all, will promote innovation, ecological sustainability, and competition and will ensure that, by sharing the infrastructure costs, services offered to customers will remain more affordable for all.

Where can I get further information about the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network?

If you have a specific query about the point-to-point FTTH network, you can contact us at info[at]

How can I benefit from this unique offer as a property owner?

Please make sure to take advantage of this incomparable opportunity, which is limited in time. To ensure the free fibre optic connection, you should sign the contract for the fibre optic network as soon as you receive it. Installation at a later date would cost you several thousand francs.

What will happen next with the fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net?

The roll-out for the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network for the next two years is set. The deployment will be done as efficiently as possible. Siggenthal4net will therefore maintain a certain level of flexibility during construction and consequently no long-term deployment plans will be published. However, Siggenthal4net SA will be communicating regularly on the progress of the roll-out, including when new areas are connected to the network.

When will I get my connection?

The roll-out occurs as efficiently and quickly as possible and will proceed in local clusters. As a top priority, Siggenthal4net is focusing on areas the most practical, for example, on areas in which other construction work is being conducted, thereby both reducing environmental impact and inconvenience for residents. As a second priority, higher concentrations of residential and business properties will be prioritised. Synergy effects will also be utilised with the construction of the power supply line of the Elektrizitäts-Genossenschaft Siggenthal.

What do I have to do for my connection?

In advance of the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network roll-out to your area, property owners as well as businesses will be contacted by Siggenthal4net to discuss the building connection agreement. Until then, you do not have anything to do.

How will my connection be planned?

Each home and building connection will be planned in advance. The home or building premise will only be connected and wired following consultations with the home owners or their building managers. You will receive an appointment enquiry from Siggenthal4net or its contractors commissioned for the installation of the fibre optic outlet (OTO) in your home or your business.

The street in front of my home will be torn up. Will I then receive a connection?

If your property owner has signed the building connection agreement with Siggenthal4net, your connection will most likely soon be installed. You may assume that the necessary conduits were installed during the civil engineering work. In any event, you will be informed in due time.

Who is building the FTTH fibre optic network?

Siggenthal4net outsources the deployment (physical implementation) to local construction and installation companies. In addition, Siggenthal4net AG uses the already existing ducts infrastructure of the Elektrizitäts-Genossenschaft Siggenthal, which provides for an even more efficient and ecological construction of the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network.

How is the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network constructed?

Siggenthal4net connects all properties to the modern point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network, if possible, via the existing plastic conduit. The fibre optic cable is installed in the plastic conduit and terminates at a domestic junction box via a cleanly sealed home lead-in, normally in the basement. An electrician leads the fibre optics from the domestic junction box with an ultrathin cable through the existing infrastructure (e.g. empty conduit, riser zone) into the individual flats or commercial spaces. The electrician also installs an optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) in all end user premises, which are then connected to the end user devices, such as a modem or router. Siggenthal4net bears all expenses for work and material up to and including the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO). Siggenthal4net will however not bear the costs of further individual deployment in the home or business premise, such as data cables, modems and (wireless) routers.

What construction disturbance can be expected?

The fibre optic cables will be primarily installed in already existing cable ducts and the existing conduit infrastructure of the Elektrizitäts-Genossenschaft Siggenthal such that the impact on the population due to construction work is massively reduced.

How does the multi-fibre model according to OFCOM works?

OFCOM published a guideline for the roll-out of FTTH network in Switzerland, to ensure the state-of-the-art quality of the networks. Siggenthal4net network will be roll-out following the guidelines set out by OFCOM, in particular 4 dedicated fibre per household ensuring capacity for all future use and open access to the infrastructure. All telecommunications services providers can choose to offer their services over these optic fibres which are owned, provisioned and operated by Siggenthal4net.
BAKOM FTTH guidelines

Why are there not more point-to-point FTTH fibre optic networks?

The network being rolled by Siggenthal4net have almost unlimited capacity and is open to every telecommunications provider, there is therefore no need for additional infrastructure. Multiple developments would not provide any further added value, but would result in very high economic costs, unnecessary additional expenditure (permits, meetings, decisions in counsels, etc.) for the local authorities and disturbances for the population.

How much does the connection in my home or business property cost?

The connection of a property to the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net is completely free of charge, as is the installation of the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) in the premise. Siggenthal4net finances entirely the cost associated with the deployment of the point-to-point FTTH network, from the Central Office to each OTO. The subsequent wiring within homes or business premises is not conducted or financed by Siggenthal4net.

What will the connection cost me as an owner?

The connection of a property to the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net is completely free of charge, as is the installation of the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) in the premise. In advance of the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network roll-out to your area, property owners as well as businesses will be contacted by Siggenthal4net to discuss the building connection agreement.

What will the connection cost me as a private customer (tenant)?

The connection of your home or business premise to the non-discriminatory point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network is free of charge. Subsequent connections within the home or business premise, i.e. the connections from the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) to other rooms, will not be conducted by Siggenthal4net. The multitude of telecommunications providers which provide their services via the non-discriminatory point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network of Siggenthal4net will each professionally offer, plan, and resolve any further installation issues.

Who pays for the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network?

The point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network will be fully financed by Siggenthal4net, without any use of subsidies or taxpayers’ money.

How much will the individual services cost?

Siggenthal4net does not provide communication services and is therefore not responsible for the pricing of the services offered by telecommunications providers. However, due to open access and the non-discriminatory competition, the most attractive products and bundles will be available.

What advantages do I have as a private customer?

The connection will be free of charge for you with no involvement nor commitment necessary on your part. You will have access to a much broader variety of entertainment and communication, such as TV in HDTV quality with surround sound and access to the internet with ultrafast bandwidth transfer rates of > 1 Gbit/s symmetrically, both during uploading and downloading.

Which new multimedia services can I use?

In addition to both higher and more reliable data bandwidth, you will also have access to new interactive multimedia services, such as video-on-demand in DVD quality, e-learning or online games, as well as easy access to all future online services. The choice of telecommunications providers and the selected multimedia services is entirely up to you within the scope of the offers. You can choose the offer that suits your needs best at any time.

How can I benefit from the competition of telecommunications providers?

Due to the competition of the various telecommunications providers in the open point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network, you benefit from a vast selection of multimedia services. At the same time, the prices become more attractive and the service is significantly enhanced as a result.

Does the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network in my home or business premise consume electricity?

The network itself doesn’t require any energy and only the end user connection device (modem, router) will consume an extremely small amount of electricity. On average, an output of 4 Watts can be expected. For comparison – a halogen lamp with 200 Watts consumes 50 times more energy.

Does the fibre optic cable generate harmful radiation?

No –the signals in fibre optic cable is carried by light, which does not emit any radiation.

Who will install the fibre optic cable and the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) in my flat?

The installation will be conducted by companies that are commissioned by Siggenthal4net. You will receive a timely appointment request when work at your premise is coming up.

How long will last the installation in my flat?

Depending on the age of the property, a whole building is developed within a few days. If possible, the installation of your optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) utilises the existing infrastructure, thus construction work is normally not necessary. The installation itself takes no longer than for a normal outlet.

Can I choose my telecommunications provider myself?

Once connected to the network you can choose freely from all available offers. You can benefit from packages of a single telecommunications provider or combine the multimedia services of different telecommunications providers according to your desires.

What benefits do property owners have?

As the owner of a property, you will be offered a connection to Unter- and Obersiggenthal’s point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network free of charge. If you are not using the property yourself, being connected to the point-to-point FTTH network will increase the attractiveness of your property for prospective tenants or buyers.

How can I further benefit as an owner?

Because your renters finalise all agreements directly with the telecommunications providers, you reduce your administrative expense. In addition, satellite dishes on your house façade become unnecessary with the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network from Siggenthal4net.

What infrastructure must I provide and what will be financed by Siggenthal4net?

Siggenthal4net assumes the construction costs to your building and installation costs of the fibre optic connection up to the optical telecommunications outlet (OTO) in each premise. You only have to provide access to the infrastructure on your property and the one on your riser shaft.

Financing / costs for building development of Siggenthal4net
All costs in connection with the initial installation of the fibre optic connection line shall be borne by the network operator. This also applies to any potentially non existant pipe on your property from the plot boundary to the building entrance.

Financing / costs for access zones of Siggenthal4net
All costs and expenses in connection with the initial installation of the fibre-optic-based building cabling from the building entry point (BEP) up to the first optical telecommunications socket/OTO in each utilisation unit shall be borne by the network operator, insofar as existing cable supports (pipe bodies, empty pipes, routes, etc.) can be used.

How long does the work take for the home connection?

All works are normally be completed within a day but, depending on the age and size of a property, installation can last up to two days. Duration of the installation primarily depends on the existing infrastructure and its accessibility.

What if I do not wish to change anything?

The connection to the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network is not mandatory and property owners can choose to refuse the free installation offered by Siggenthal4net as part of the roll-out. However, subsequent connection to the network, after the initial roll-out period, would unfortunately require the owner to bear the incurred costs.

Who will execute the installation in my home or business premise?

Siggenthal4net works with local electrical installation companies which conduct the installation in your property up to the optical telecommunication outlet (OTO) at no charge for you.

Where can I get information about the installation?

As soon as the building connection agreement (GEV) has been signed, the tenants will be contacted and the individual premise will be connected by the commissioned electrician.

What advantages do business customers have?

You will receive a connection to Unter- and Obersiggenthal’s point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network at no charge and can then subscribe to offers from professional telecommunications providers tailored for business services. The symmetric, stable and reliable bandwidth of > 1 Gbit/s, which is only available on our network, will be indispensable for businesses in the near future.

What performance gain (added value) can I expect?

Your connections for e-working, video conferences, internet, as well as remote access to company and partner networks become significantly more efficient. The point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network provides ultrafast, symmetrical and reliable data transfer rates of > 1 Gbit/s.

Can the fibre optics also be used for services, such as dark fibre?

Direct access to the infrastructure of Siggenthal4net is reserved to telecommunication services providers. If you have special requirements or a specific project relating to the fibre infrastructure, please get in touch with us at info[at] and we will try to assist you with your request.

Will Siggenthal4net also offer multimedia services?

No, Siggenthal4net is an infrastructure operator and deals primarily with the construction and operation of the point-to-point FTTH network infrastructure. Multimedia services are exclusively marketed by the well-known various individual telecommunications providers present on the network.

What do the offers of the individual service providers look like?

Telecommunications providers offer their products, for both residential and business customers, via their own distribution channels. Information about specific services may be sought directly from the respective providers, each which also set their own pricing. However, competition in the open point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network from Siggenthal4net will ensure attractive price/performance packages for all customers.


Swisscom is also welcome to offer its multimedia services as a telecom-competitor on our point-to-point FTTH fibre network.

Thanks to the point-to-point FTTH fibre network of Siggenthal4net, each telecom provider can use the continuous fibre and the end customer can choose their provider independently. Only a point-to-point FTTH fibre network offers a non-discriminatory access for all interested providers and the complete freedom of choice for each end customer.

Where and how do telecommunications providers have access to the FTTH fibre optic network?

Network access to the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network from Siggenthal4net occurs at the transfer points of the provided infrastructure.

Each resident or business owner will benefit from the modern multimedia services and the ultrafast bandwidth of the point-to-point FTTH fibre optic network.

We provide you with local and neutral advice

Please call us for independent advice on the best multimedia offer on 056 560 01 40.

Internet, TV & telephony. Internet 1 month free trial and 2 more free months.
Customer-oriented, fair and transparent since 1995. Count on us.

Registered Office

Siggenthal4net AG
Studacherstrasse 11
5416 Kirchdorf (Obersiggenthal)

056 560 01 40